Every year, students can do their EPTA LGP exams at their own level. The teacher decides which level.

The exams are all over the Netherlands at different locations.

The exams usually take place around March/April of every year.

First there is a concert-like performance of all the candidates. This is open to public.

Then, after a small intermission, there is a written theory exam. It’s possible to take the theory exam in English.

The jury members (2) will judge each candidate. The theory exams are graded.

When the jury is done, there is a festive ceremony where the diplomas are handed out together with tops (positive feedback) and tips (something the candidate could work on to improve their playing)

EPTA= European Piano Teachers Association

LGP= Landelijke Graadexamens Piano (National Piano Exams)


EPTA examens 2013
EPTA exams 2013


EPTA examens 2015
EPTA exams 2015